The FujiKyu Group is Dedicated to Spearheading the Transformation of the Mt. Fuji Area into an Esteemed “Resort City” while Fostering a Sustainable Local Community.
Update History
View update history- 2024/10/08
- Published the KPIs on the website.
Updated the data for CO₂ emissions and other metrics.
- 2024/09/18
- "Sustainability website Logo" updated.
- 2024/07/09
- Sustainability website has been redesigned and made public.
Sustainability Management
The Fujikyu Group has formulated the priority social and environmental challenges to be addressed toward realizing a sustainable local community.
KPI(Goals and monitoring indicators)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Compared to FY2018)
- Target for FY2030:50% reduction
Target for FY2050:Carbon neutrality
- Number of Operational Accidents and Incidents due to internal causes
- Zero (every fiscal year)
- Number of Fatalities and Serious Injuries due to internal causes
- Zero (every fiscal year)
- Number of Visitors of Our Group in the Mt. Fuji Area
- Annual 20 million (by FY2030)
monitoring indicators
- Number of Tourists Entering Business Region
- approx. 57.69 million (FY2022 results)*1
- Nighttime Population in the Mt. Fuji Area Business Region
- approx. 1.07 million (FY2020 results)*2
- Daytime Population in the Mt. Fuji Area Business Region
- approx. 1.06 million (FY2020 results)*2
- Residents' intention to remain in the Eastern Fuji Region of Yamanashi Prefecture
- 71.6% (FY2021 results)*3
- Residents' Satisfaction in the Eastern Region of Shizuoka Prefecture
- 87.5%(FY2022 results)*4
- Expenditure Contributing to local community
- approx. 3.4 billion yen(FY2023 results)*5
- Work Engagement
- 2.6(FY2023 results)*6
Based on:
*1 “Yamanashi Prefecture Tourism Visitor Statistics Survey (FY2022)” and “Shizuoka Prefecture Tourism Exchange Trends (FY2022).”
*2 "Population Census (FY2020) for calculating the population in the Mt.Fuji area business region.
*3 “Yamanashi Prefecture/Prefectural awareness survey (FY2021)" for calculating the percentage of people who selected "I want to continue living in Yamanashi Prefecture" in response to the question "Do you want to continue living in Yamanashi Prefecture?" (Eastern Fuji Region).
*4 "Shizuoka Prefecture/Prefectural Public Opinion Survey (FY2022)" for calculating the percentage of people who selected "I think Shizuoka Prefecture is a comfortable place to live" in response to the question "Do you think Shizuoka Prefecture is a comfortable place to live?" (Eastern Region).
*5 The calculation of the expenditure contributing to the local community.
*6 The calculation of the average work engagement based on the stress checks conducted by the entire group of companies.
Fuji Kyuko has been involved in the cultivation of forests in the area around the foot of Mt. Fuji since its establishment.